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MySQL Pocket ReferenceWhen I ilya cross the country, I often pass the hours pro-wrote.Manu ging and Using MySQL(O'Reilly) , Id on'tear ryaround the book to show it off; the problem is that no mat-ter how experienced you are with MySQL.you never knowwhen you will need to lookup the exact syntax of an obscurefunction or SQL statement.The MySQL Pocket Reference is a quick reference that youcan take with you anywhere you go.Instead of racking yourbran for the ex acr syntax ufa var an to fALTER TABLE that yuugenerally never use, you can reach into your laptop case andgrab this reference.As an experienced MySQL archit eet,administrator, ur programmer, you can look to this t eference.Thi book dues not, however.teach MySQLI expe et thatyou have learned or are in the process of learning MySQLfrom aba ok such as Managing and Using MySQL.Though lstart with a reference on MySQL setup, it is designed to helpyou remember the full process of MySQL configuration-notto teach you the process.
AcknowledgmentsI first w oil dike to thank my editor And yOram, as always,for he pingmealongIwouidalolke to thank the book ystrong technical reviewers, Paul Dubois, Judith Myerson, andTim All wine.Finally, I would like to thank my co-authors forManaging and Using MySQL.Tin King and Randy JayYarger, who helped set the foundation that made this pocketreference poss tble and necessary.ConventionsThe full owing e on ventions are used in this book:Constant widthUsed to indicate anything that might appear in a pro-gram, including keywords, function names, SQL com-mands, and variable names This font is also used forcode examples, output displayed by commands, and sys-tem coni guration fles,Constant width boldUsed to indicate userinputConstant width italicUsed to indicate an element(eg, afl e name or variable)that you supply.ItalicUsed to indicate directory names, filenames.programnane, Umx cum mands.and URL.Ths fun tsa soused to introduce new terms and fare mph ass.MySQL 5If you have been using MySQL for awhile, you really don'tneed to leam a thing about MySQL 5 to keep going.Every-thing you are used to using still works just as it always has.For the most part, MySQL Sis about adding enterprise2|MySQL Packet Referencedatabase features seen in other database engines withoutburdening MySQL.with concepts tha f make it harder to leamand use.
ViewsViews are denormalized, table-like structures that representasnapshot of your data that match spee ific query parameters.You can thus represent as data from a single table the result:facmplexunNewcomtapdss upper ng views in eludeCREATE VIE M, DROP VIE M, and ALTER VIE M.TriggersA database tng ger is functionality that you create that getsexecuted whenever a specific event occurs on a table Forexample, you can trigger behavior for a table whenever a newrow is tn serted.New commands supporting triggers includeCREATE TRIGGER and DROP TRIC GER.Stored ProceduresStored procedures are the big feature most people have beenwaiting for.A stored procedures s much like creating a func-tion that is written entirely in SQL and stored in the database.Stored procedures are useful for en capsul at nga number ofSQL statements that always get executed together under as in-gle logical name for use by chen ts MySQL includes a numberof new commands to support stored procedures:·CREATE PROCEDURE·ALTER PRCC EDJ RE·DROP PRD CEDURE·CALL·BEGIN/END
Case Sensi tity
l denti fiers
Transaction Rules
Rules of Precedence
Arithmetic Operators
Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
Aggregate Functions
General Functions
Storage Engines
Stored Procedures and Functions
Handlers and Conditions
w|Cent ents