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FFmpeg Basics—Multimedia handling with a fast audio and video encoder_Frantisek Korbel pdf电子书免费下载,百度云
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《FFmpeg Basics—Multimedia handling with a fast audio and video encoder_Frantisek Korbel》pdf电子书免费下载






FFmpeg Basics—Multimedia handling with a fast audio and video encoder_Frantisek Korbel




《FFmpeg Basics—Multimedia handling with a fast audio and video encoder_Frantisek Korbel》介绍

Introductionwelcome to the book that will try to make you familiar with many interesting features of the FFmpegproj cc tIts quality indicates several FFmpeg users:Facebook, the largest social network, handles videos from users with ffmpeg toolGoogle Chrome, popular webbrowser, uses FFmpeg libraries for HTML 5 audio and video supportYouTube, the biggest video sharing website, converts uploaded videos with II mpegThe book's focus is to explain the basic video editing like resizing, cropping, padding, denoising.overlay,ctc., but included are instructions form or c complex processing and experimentsThe chapter Diital Audio describes howto convert and create audio, advanced sound processing is in thechapters Batch Files and Advanced Techniques.

First stepsThe first step is to download FFmpeg binaries, if not already done, the details are in the first chapter or onthe dedicated website.Many Linux distributions already have FFmpeg tools installed or advanced users cancompile their own binaries.The fist chapter contains basic information about FFmpeg project and howtos impi y the work with itstools.If already familiar with these data or if it looks too technical for the start, you can move to the secondchapter and start to c nter various ffmpeg commands,Please note, that many commands in this book are simplified to illustrate the currently explained featureand some parameters are omitted, especially in conversions, the details are in the chapter ConversionBetween Formats.

《FFmpeg Basics—Multimedia handling with a fast audio and video encoder_Frantisek Korbel》目录


1.FFmpeg Fundamentals15

2.Displaying Help and Features29

3.BitRate, FrameRate and FileSize60

4.Resizing and Scaling Video64

5.Cropping Video69

6.Padding Video73

7.Flipping and Rotating Video77

8.Blur, Sharpen and Other Denoising81

9.Overlay-Picture in Picture87

10.Adding Text on Video93

11.Conversion Between Formats99

12.Time Operations108

13.Mathematical Functions113

14.Metadata and Subtitles117

15.Image Processing122

16.Digital Audio128

17.Presets for Codecs138

18.Interlaced Video142

19.FFmpeg Components and Projects147

20.Microphone and Webcam154

21.Batch Files159

22.Color Corrections164

23.Advanced Techniques179

24.Video on Web193

25.Debugging and Tests200


About the author216


First steps.

Dedicated website.


Your feedback is important.

FFmpeg introduction.

Developers of FFmpeg.

1.FFmpeg Fundamentals.

2.Displaying Help and Features.

3.BitRate, FrameRate and FileSize.

Setting bitrate.

4.Resizing and Sealing Video.

5.Cropping Video.

6.Padding Video.

7.Flipping and Rotating Video.

8.Blur, Sharpen and Other Denoising.

9.Overlay-Picture in Picture.

Participation in FFmpeg development.

FFmpeg download.

Commandline syntax.

Windows Command Prompt and its alternatives.

Path setting.

Renaming to shortened form.

Displaying output preview.

Preview with FF play mediaplayer.

Preview with SDL output device.

SI prefixes available in FFmpeg.

Transcoding with ffmpeg.

Filters, filter chains and filter graphs.

Selection of media streams.

Lav fi virtual device.

Color names.

Text help in FFmpeg tools.

Available bitstream filters.

Available code es.

Available decoders.

Available encoders.

Available filters.

Available formats.

Available layouts of audio channels.

FFmpeg license.

Available pixel formats.

Available protocols.

Available audio sample formats.

FFmpeg version.

Using MORE command for output formatting.

Redirecting output to file.

Frame(frequen ey) rate introduction.

Framerate setting.

Using-r option.

Using fps filter.

Predefined values for framerate.

Bit(data) rate introduction.

Constant bitrate(CBR) setting.

Setting maximum sizeof outputfile.

Filesize eal culation.

Resizing video.

Predefined video frame sizes.

Considerations when resizing-Nyquist sampling theorem.

Special enlarging filter.

Advanced sealing.

Scaling video proportionately to input.

Scaling to predefined width or height.

Cropping basie s.

Cropping frame center.

Automatic detection of cropping area.

Cropping of timer.

Padding basie s.



Padding from and to various aspect ratios.

Pillar boxing-adding boxes horizontally.

Letterboxing-adding boxes vertically.

Horizontal nip.

Vertical flip.

Introduction to rotating.

Rotation by 90 degrees counterclockwise and flip vertically.

Rotation by 90 degrees clockwise.

Rotation by 90 degrees counterclockwise.

Rotation by 90 degrees clockwise and flip vertically.

Blur video effect.

Sharpen video.

Noise reduction with den




