作者:empty 页数:192 出版社:empty |
HTML(HyperText Mar kapLan g wage) is the markup languageused totum text documents into webpages and applications.The fundamental purpose of HTML as a markup language isto provide a semantic description(the meaning) of the contentand establish a document struct i ref a hierarchy of elements) .lt is not concerned with presentation, such a show the docu-ment will lookin a browser.Presentation is the job of Cas cad-ing StyleSheets, which is outside the scope of ths book,This pocket referen ee provides a cone is e yet thorough listingof the elements and attributes specified in the HTML 4.01 andXHTML 1.D Recommendations as well as HTML 5, which is indevelopment as a Working Draft as of this writing The textuses the shorthand“CXo HTML for concepts that apply to allof these markup standardsFor updates and details on all versions, see the W3CsHTMLhomepageatwww.w3.arg/html.HTMLSisajointeffortbetween the W3C and the WHATWG(Web Hypertext Application Techna lng y Working Group) .See the latest HTML 5developmentsatwww.whatwg.org/specsThis book is organ zed into the following sections: