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IntroductionThis book continues my exploration of HTML 5.My approach in developing the projects was to combinefeatures such as canvas and video; attempt more intricate drawing, making use of mathematics; andmake use of standard programming techniques such as object-oriented programming and separation ofcontent and logic.I was also interested in building applications combining HTML 5 and JavaScript withother technologies, including GoogleMaps.geolocation, and server-side programmingmy experience as a teacher and a learner has shown that concepts and mechanics are best understood inthe context of actual use.The applications start off withdrawing the HTML S official logo.As you will findout in Chapter l, the way I developed this application prompted a use of coordinate transformations.The pro jeet in Chapter 2.involving a family collage, was inspired by my growing family and the desire toteach about object-oriented programming It is a good application for you to use as a foundation tocreate your own, with your own photos and objects of your own invention.Chapter 3, which show showto create a bouncing video, was bull to not her two-dimensional applications I have created, and featurestwo ditt erent ways to combine canvas and video.Each chapter in the book is focused on an application or set of related applications This is becauseChapters 4, 5.and 6 demonstrate use of the GoogleMaps API[Application Programming Interface) ,a power flfaiythatllwsyoutninca rporadcaccsstoGaoeleMaps as part of your own pro ecsChapter 4 presents a use rite race combing a map and canvas, and in diu des a cust m-des nedcursor and the use of alpha(transparency i in drawing paths.The three applications di seuss ed inChapter 5alldenon state the use of map pig as a port l to meda.The sequence of applications showsyou howto separate content and logic so you can scale up to various applications leg, at our of a regionor a geography quiz with many locations] .Chapter 6 features geolocation, technology io deter in e thelocation of your end-user.I combine this with server-side programming using PHP that allows you tosend an e-mail of where you are to someone the end-user chooses.own set of directions using drawings, video, and images, or let the reading refresh your memory fortopics in algebra and geomet y.Chapter a was inspired by a ptoject i produced us ng Adobe Fash, inwhich a jigsaw puzzle is transformed into a video.In the project in this chapter, you'l also learn howtomake this work on an iPod and i Pad, including howto incorporate the handling of finger touch events.Similarly, Chapter 9wasinially inspired by an identify-and-name-the-state game I made using Flash.This chapter includes the challenge of mixing up the states in the form of a jigsaw puzzle, including thele ature of saving the puzzle-in-progress using local Storage.The resulting educational gam ne presents auserinterface that must handle multiple types of player actions.Chapter 10.the last chapter.Structured Query Language(SQL) , which is the standard language for most databases.The databasefeatured in the chapter is MySQL The fo mm valda ton featues of HTML S along with loca Storageaddress common requirements of many database applications.The database application alsodemonstrates one-way encryption for user passwords and the combination of client-side and server-side form validation.
WhoIs This Book For?I do believe my explanations are complete, but lam not claiming.as I did for my previous book, TheEsentalGudetoNmML, that ths books or the total beg nne.This books l or the deve oper who hassome knowledge of programming and who wants to build(more) substantial applications by combiningbasic features and combining Java seri pt wih other technologies It a so can serve as an idea book forsomeone working with programmers to get an understanding of what is possible.How Is This Book Structured?This book consists often chapters, each organized around an application or type of application You canskip around However, it probably makes sense to read Chapter 4before5or 6.Also, the PHP server-sidelanguage is used in a simple way in Chapter 6 and then more fully in Chapter 10.Other cross-referencesarin de ted nu he tel Each chapersafswihanitfaucono the appia ton, wi i sur de hot sarthe applications in use.In several cases, the differences between browsers are shown.The chapterscontinue with a discussion of the critical requirements, where concepts are introduced before divinginto the technical details.The next sections describe how the requirements are sat is tied, with speci licconstructs in HTML 5, Java Seri pt, PHP, and/or SQL, and with standard programming techniques.I thenshow the application coding line by line with comments.Each chapter ends with instructions and tipsfor testing and uploading the application to a server, and a summary of what you leam ned.The code(with certain exceptions noted for Chapter 10) is all included as downloads available fromthe publisher.In addition, the figures are available as full-color TIFF files.Of course, you will want to useincluded with the code and this includes images for the 50 states for the states game in Chapter 9.Youcan use the pro sect as a model for adi ie rent part of the world or a puzzle based on an image or da gram.Lers get started.