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Java Language Updates



《Java Language Updates》介绍

Then lerma in cont ned herein is subjec l to change wihout nace and is not warranted tabe error dree.Ifyou nd any err ars, please reparthemiosiwitngif this s software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S.Gave rn mentor anyone licens ng it onbehalf of the U.S.Government, then the folowing notice is applicable:U.S.GOVERNMENTENDUSERS:Oracleprograms{includinganyoperatingsystem, integrated sofware,users are commercial computer software or“commercial computer sotware documentation'pursuant to theappl cable Federal Acquisition Regula ion and agency-specific supple meral regulations.As such, the use,re product on, dup ication, release, display, disclosure, modication, prep a/ation of deriva tv e works, and/orcomputer documentation and for) other Oracle data, is subject to then ghts and limitations speci tied in thel cense contained in the appe cable contract.The terms governing the U.S.Government'suse of Oracle cloudservices are de tined by the app i cable contract to r such services.No other ng hts are granted to the U.5.Govemment

This son ware or hardware is developed for general use in avait y of informaton management appic a tons.safe use.Crac ie Corporation and its afl iatesdssclamanyliabiity for any damages caused by use of thissoftware or hardware in dangerous app ications.aankyanmanlatebioaaredta de marks of Dra dean do rss at at.Oi her names ma beIntel and Intel Inside are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Car poration.Al SPARC trademarks areused under i cense and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International Inc.AMD.E pyc.This software or hardware and document ab on may provide as cess to or information about can tent, products,and services from third parties.Oracle Corporation and its amli ates are not respons ble for and expresslydisclaim all warranties of any kind wth respect to third-party conter t.products.and services unless otherwiseresponsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content,products, or services, except asset forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle

PrefaceAudienceThis guide describes the updated language features in Java SE 9 and subsequent releases.This document is for Java developers.For information about Oracle's commitment to accessiblity, visit the Oracle AccessibilityProgramwebsiteathttp://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers that have purchased support have access to electonic support through MyOracle Support.For information,visithttp:/hvww.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=infoorvisithttp://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trsifyouarehearingimpaired.Oracle is fully committed to diversity and inclusion.Oracle respects and values having adiverse workforce that increases thought leadership and innovation.As part of our initiative tobuild a more inclusive culture that positively impacts our employees, customers, andpartners, we are working to remove insensitive terms from our products and documentation.We are also mindful of the necessity to maintain compatibility with our customers'existingtechnologies and the need to ensure continuity of service as Oracle's offerings and industrystandards evolve.Because of these technical constraints, our effort to remove in sensi tv eterms is ongoing and wll take time and external cooper at on.See JDK 17 Documentation,Use this library of phrases for content references(con refs) .Each con ref should be in aseparate ph>element within a p>element Atter creating a library from this template, usethe Modify Attributes dialogbox to assign an id attribute to each ph>element in the library.This is a preview feature, which is a feature whose design, specif cation, and implementationare complete, but is not pem manent, which means that the feature may exist in a diferent formor not at all in future Java SE releases.To compile and run code that contains previewfeatures, you must specify addtional command-in e options.See Preview Languageand VM Features.The Java Tutorials (JavaSE 8 and earlier)deprecated as of JDK 9 and might be removed in a future JDK release.deprecated and might be removed in a future JDK release.Although available and supported in JDK 9.the Java Plug-in has been marked asdeprecated in preparation for removal in a future release.Alternatives for applets andembedded Java FX applications, which require the plug-in, include Java Web Start andself-contained applications.Although available and supported in JDK 9, the Applet APl is marked as deprecated inprepara to nt or removal in a future release.Instead of applets, consider al tema tivessuch as Java Web Start or self-contained applications.Although available and supported in JDK 9.the Applet APland the Java Plug-in aremarked as deprecated in preparation for removal in a future release.Al tema tives forapplets and embedded Java FX applications include Java Web Start and self-containedapplications,JDK 17 DocumentationIn tools that support double hyphen(--) style options, the GNU-style options can usethe equal sign(-) instead of a whitespace to separate the name otan option from itsvalue.The-make all command for the Java Packager tool is deprecated inJDK9inpreparation for removal in a future release.The-sign jar command for the Java Packager tool is deprecated inJDK9inpreparation for removal in a future release.The ex:sign jar>task for the Java Packager tool is deprecated inJDK9inpreparation for removal in a future release.You use the applet vi ever command to launch the AppletViewer and run appletsoutside of a webbrowser,You can use the jar command to create an archive for classes and resources, and tomanipulate or restore individual classes or resources from an archive.You use the j mod tool to create J MOD fles and list the content of existing J MOD files.You can use the java command to launch a Java application.You can use the javac tool and its options to read Java class and interface definitionsand compile them into bytecode and class files.You use the java dac tool and its options to generate HTML pages of APIdocumentation from Java source files.You use the javah tool to generate C header and source files from a Java class.You use the java p command to disassemble one or more class fles.You use the jdb command and its options to find and fix bugs in Java platformprograms.

《Java Language Updates》目录




