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Plot the powers pee tral density, 绘制功率谱密度图。i Plot a 2-D field of arrows.绘制二维箭头图(风矢量阁) ,Add a key to a quiver plot.为风矢量图绘制单位标量Set the current re params.设置当前的RC参数。Return a context manager for man eg in gre settings.返网个用于管理RC设置上下文管理器,i Restore the default rc params.恢复默认的RC参数。Get or set the radial gridlines on a polar plot.获取或设置径向网格在极坐标图。Save the current figure, 保存当前图Set the current Axes instance to a x.为a x设置当前(axes) 轴实例。Make a scatterplot of xv sy, where x andy are sequencei like oh jects of the game lengths.做一个X和Y的散点图, 其中x和丫是相同长度的序列的对象。Set the current image.设置当前的图像,Make a plot with log scaling on the xaxis.使x轴为log刻度Make a plot with log sealing on they axis.使y轴为log刻度Set the default colormap.设置默认的colormap.iS eta property on an artist object.对artist对象设置属性.i Display a figure.显示图j Plot a spectro gran绘制谱图.i Plot the sparsity pattern on a 2-D array.绘制一个二维阵列的稀疏模式.j Draws a stacked area plot.绘制一个堆叠面积图.j Create as temp lot.创造一个stem图.j Make a step plot.做个步阶图i Draws streamlines of a vector flo v.绘制个流场图.|Return asubplotaxes positionedbythegiven griddefinition.返回一个subplot axesCreate a subplot in a grid.在网格中创建一个subplot,Lan cha subplot tool window for a figure.获取subplot工具窗Createafigurewithasetofsubplotsalreadyi made, 一个图中包含多个子图Tune the subplot I a you t.调整subplot布局i Add a centered title to the figure.在图添加个中心标题。Switch the default backend.交换机默认的后台。i Add a table to the current axes.当前axes添加table.j Add text to the axes.在轴.上添加文本Get or set the the t aloe ations of the gridlines in a polari plot.设置极坐标网格线《位置,Change the appearance of ticks and tick labels.改变刻度及刻度标签外观Change the Scalar Formatter used by default for linear axes_通i过使用默认线性axes轴更改scalar formatter.i Automatically adjust subplot parameters to give specifiedi padding.自动调节subplot参数进行指定填充。Set a title of the current axes.设置当前axes标题.i Draw contours on an unstructured triangular grid.在非结构三角形网格绘制等值线,Draw con L our son an unstructured triangular grid.在非结构三角形网格绘制填充等值线,i Create a pseudocolor plot of an unstructured triangulargrid.创建一个非结构三角形网格伪彩色图.