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These are the changes in pandas 1.0.0.See release for a full changelog in eluding other versions of pandas.·Deprecation s will be introduced in minor releases feg.·API-breaking changes will be made only in major releases(except for experimental features)Note:The pandas 1.0 release removed alot of functional ty that was deprecated in previous releases(see below foran overview) .It is recommended to first upgrade top and as 0.25 and to ensure your code is working without wa mings,be for c upgrading top and as 1.0.
1.1 New Deprecation PolicyStarting with Pandas 1.0.0.pandas wil adopt a variant of Sem Verto version releases.Briefly.See Version Policy for more.We've added an engine keyword to apply() and apply O that allows the user to execute the rout inc usingNumba instead of Cyt hon.Using the Numba engine can yield sign it icant performance gains if the apply function canoperate on numpy arrays and the dataset is larger(l million rows or greater) .For more details, sce rolling applyWe've added a pandas.api.indexers.Base Indexer() class that allows users to de tine how window boundsare created during rolling operations.Users can define their own get_window_bounds method on a pandas.apl.indexers.Base Indexer() subclass that will generate the start and end indices used for each windowduring the rolling aggregation.For more details and example usage.see the custom window rolling documentationA new pd.NA value(singleton) is introduced to represent scalar missing values.Up to now.pandas used severalvalues to represent missing data np.nan is used for this for float data.np.nan or None for object-d type data andpd.NaT for datetime-like data.The goal of pd.NA is to provide a“missing”indicator that can be used consistentlyacross datatypes.pd.NA is currently used by the nullable integer and boolean datatypes and the new string datatypeCompared to np.nan.pd.NA behaves dierent lin certain opera tns.In addition to ath metic operations, pd.NA·Deprecation s will been forced in major releases fe.g 1.0.0, 2.0.0, 3.0.0, .)