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《Pascal_Programming_Radha Ganeshan著》pdf电子书免费下载






Pascal_Programming_Radha Ganeshan著




《Pascal_Programming_Radha Ganeshan著》介绍

clo so, the maxim chang os-thore are four great discoveries.Needlessto say.the fourth gro a lest disco vary is Computer.Computer isl koaervan t.As I he servant obeys our request, Computer obeys our or dorsOrders aalso called T nstructions'and a set of instruct on is called a

To in ler act with Computers we need a medium through which Compute nclass i lied as Scient tic purpose languages, Commercial purpose lanwas developed by a crew leo mational Bus iness Machine(IBM) M mostly find sils usefulness inBusiness Orien led Language) .Hs presen cain business organisationvial because of its file handing facil y.H was developed in a conferenc(CODA SYL) atl ended by System programmers and Industrialists aPenlagoninearly1960s.Thon theresan eod for alauage whicsat is ies both tho on ds, and i was fSymbol c Inst nic tion Code] al Dartmouth College.New Hampshire in

PASCAL PROGRAMMINGvarious forms of dec is ian making state monts and made us not to useolo in most of the circumstances.By using these stata mon ls on a cantea structured program although there are no spa ctic rules fort.Thed“Structured'was coined by at amous algorithm ist Dies tra, who ted in one of his papers as, Go los houk d be completely abolish eomall high love l languages .In Pascal we may avoid GOTO in mostof the situations.This nol only on hance sth a program but also leads toan eat program t lowThen guage which uses goto abundant yi scale'Sph ag he tti languageshown in Fig.1.1

It is also one of the special features that is not available in otherlanguages when Pascal comes into the field.We candi idea very bigprogram in lo many subprograms[or modulos) which anabl ous to codand tra ice the program vary easily.This feature also avoids thredundancy of coding and this tea lure is clearly explained in Chap ler 6TEACHING LANGUAGEWon end a structur od langua goto be taught at the graduate level, andPASCAL is the best chol ce.The easy t low of the language helps everyone to write peo grams com lortab ly.FUTURE LANGUAGEgrams wnt tenn tho so days by using non-struc lured languages such aBASIC and FORTRAN are rewritten by using PASCAL.Hence it becomes the choice of a new generation.HISTORY OF PASCAL LANGUAGELka many languag os PASCAL also arg nal edt rom ALGOL-60.n 1970at amous scion tist and aigorihmistNikatusWih developed thiwonder tul language at the Technical University, Zurich, Switzerland.Hepre imig

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