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PowerShell脚本编写手册(Windows PowerShell Scripting Guide)_Ed Wilson著 pdf电子书免费下载,百度云
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《PowerShell脚本编写手册(Windows PowerShell Scripting Guide)_Ed Wilson著》pdf电子书免费下载






PowerShell脚本编写手册(Windows PowerShell Scripting Guide)_Ed Wilson著




《PowerShell脚本编写手册(Windows PowerShell Scripting Guide)_Ed Wilson著》介绍

AcknowledgmentsWith every book l write, l find new challenges to overcome and new friends to help me doi!However, in addition to my new friends, T also continue to receive tons of help from my oldfriends as well My hest friend is Teresa, who also happens to be my wife Teresa continues todevelop her sk lls in the publishing field.any success t ny other books have gained is due inno small part to her skills as a technical reader.Ivaluehersuggestions.comments, and abilityto spot errors Any thoughts my editors have that lam literate are directly at in but able to herThe amazing thingS he is trained as an accountant!l also need to thank my agent Claudette Moot e of the Moor c Literary Agency She makes mefeel like I am the only writers he is representing The level of personal a utenti on I receive fromher is just wonderful She also does an excellent job of helping to ensure lam working on ther ght project at the proper time She makes sure I can focus on my current project while shetakes care of geting myne xi project lined up.This is no small feat tMarin Del Rets my acquisitions editor atMS Press.WOW I This guy is an amazing supporterof scripting and he know show to make sure that the books that are published meet the needsof the scripting community But he goes way above and beyond that He is one of the mostcheerful and enthusiastic people T know, and he seems to track the book projects frominception all the way through the publishing process.I was realy fortunate to get Bob Hogan back to be my technical reviewer He is avery pos ive,supportive person who has a keen technical mind and really knows his scripting He savedme time and again on this project just a she did on my earlier books Well done, BoblThis book also saw the ntroduction of some new frends.Michelle Goodman did a superb johas an editor and kept me on track to meet my deadlines.Over the l0monthslspentwriuingthe book, It lew nearly 200.000 miles, worked in nearly a dozen countries, went scubadivinga few times.got sick once, and crossed the International DateLine six times.She stayed afterme, kept up with me, and even brought the project in two we cks early IN ice jobMaureen Zimmer ian was my content development edt or once again, she got mne olf to agreat start and affected a smooth handoff to Michelle Sweet l Dean T salt as, a real life scriptingguy.answered several WMI questions, provided access to daily builds of the WMI SDK.and isa great guy

Denise Bank a it is picked up the reins after Michelle had to leave the project, and she stayedafter me and made sure l got all there writes done on time so that the book could make it topress Speaking of making it to press, Linda Allen at Custom Editorial Productions, Inc wasthe project manager/production wrangler and helped get the book into print Kathy Eastmanwas my copyeditor and helped to ensure that the book atleast looks lke it was written bysomeone whois semi lte rate.Awesome job to all threeAcknowledgmentsJel frey Snover.the archit eet for Windows Power Shell, should he mentioned simply he cause hecreated what one customer recently told me was the coolest thing to come out of Microsoft inyears. This is saying alo the cause we have come up with some really cool stuff recently, butl have to agree.However, he also answered several Windows Power Shell questions that hadstumped in e for days He is brilliantChrs Belle e, Pete Christensen, and Jit Banerji e all are trained to deliver my WindowsPower Shell class and they routinely get pinged from me with comments such as, This is notworking.can you figure it out?Usually they do.l feel like they are all good friends, and lamglad they are in Australia-sol can vist t them!Better than that, Peter is also a scuba instructor(lam jealous) .Ji, of course, is not a new friend; T have been fortunate to know him for nearlyfive years.Really fortunate he cause Ji's wile is the hest cookin Australia and is just a lovelyperson And Chris, well he is simply the coolest person l know!

About the Companion CDThe world's greatest scripting language paired with the worlds greatest operating sys terns!I's like peanut hutter and chocolate-they just belong together Windows Vista and WindowsServer 2008 are not only the most important releases in the history of Microsoft, but are alsothe most configurable.That'srg ht, configurable l The advances that make the GUIso a wesome for normal users, however, also create a major pain for network administrators, consultants, and power users.Fortunately.the tool used to administer Exchange Server 2007, VirtualServer 2007, and even Windows Server 2008.1sexacdy the same tool available to administerWindows Vista That tool is Windows Power ShellAs the author of five books on Windows scrip ing and as a consultant for Microsoft, I travelthe world sharing the good news of VisualBasic Script(VBS cnp 0, Windows ManagementInstrumentation(WMI) , Active Directory Services Interfaces(ADS I) and now the new kid onthe block-Windows Power ShellUsing Windows Power Shell a novice network adminstrator can create a script that liss thetop resource consuming processes on a computer by input ung just a single linc of code Whilethis same task can be completed using V BSc npt, VBScript takes much more time and typingto perform the feat You can use that exact line of code to find the top resource-consumingprocesses on Windows Server 2008oron Windows VistaNew products from Microsoft wil supply Windows Power Shell emd lets(emd lets are thepower in Windows Power Shell and are talked about in Chapter 1) , interfaces, and in somecases, even tools This is truly sweet news, as it indicates we are nearing a time when therereally is a single way to administer and configure applicationsWindows Power Shell is a new scripting language that first appeared with Microsoft Exchange2007ltisa release to the Web product and it can be installed on WindowsXP, WindowsSet ver 2003, and Windows Vista lt is also an installable feature included with WindowsServer 2008, and it will be included in the base installation of the next generation desktopclient Because the Microsoft Exchange 2007 administrator tools are built upon WindowsPower Shell, Exchange administrators are often among the l irst to explore and use WindowsPower Shell Managing security.registry resources, and service configuration are all activitiesperformed on a daily basis by network administrators, and by calling on the flexiblity anduu lity of Windows Power Shel, these tasks are easi y performedWindows PowerS helSe rip ting Guide will equip you with the tools to automate the setup,deployment, and management of computers running Windows In addition, this book willprovide you wiha thorough examination of the cmd lets that ship wih the productIntroductionMore than 300scrptsllust rate the main tasks perl or med by a network admn stators e cunty,configuration, deployment, maintenance, networking.and troubleshootingWindows Power ShellS e rip ting Guide as perfect for several audiences, includingxixWindows networking consultants To standardize and to automate the installation andconfiguration of NET networking components.w Windows network administrators To automate the day-to-day management ofWindows networks.m Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers(MCSEs) and Microsoft Certified Trainers(MCTs) To prepare for several of the new cert fication exams that now containWindows Power Shell questions.mGeneral technical staff To collect information and configure settings on Windowscomputets.

Power users To obtain maximum power and configurability of Windows compu iers athome or in an unmanaged desktop workplace environment.Windows PowerS helI Scripting Guid cis divided into four conceptual parts:understandingWindows Power Shell, using Windows Power Shell with Windows Vista, using WindowsPower Shell with Windows Server 2008, and maintaining specific applications.The book isnot really divided into these sections, however, as cach chapter is written as a standalone unit.This allows you to pickup the book and quickly retrieve the information for a particularquestion you might have, for example, if you nced to manage I IS 7.you can quickly turn toChapter 15, Managing Internet Information ServicesThe CD accompanying this book contains additional information and softwar c componentsand scripts.Lots and lots of scripts.In fact, there are exactly 317 scripts .( 1 know becauseI wrote a script to count each and every on c of'em!) There are scripts and sample outputrelated to each chapter of the book The folder names match the chapter names, so you shouldhave no trouble locating the one you needMost of the scrip is are self-contained and do not assume specific values.These scripts havecommand-line parameters that allow you to modify them at runtime.There are some sc npts,however, that expose van ables which are set to a spec ihc sample value.Theses cnp is must bemodified just a little to match your current environm nent.In all cases, these changes are notedwith atleast a comment either in the code, in the book, or in both places.There area few database files included on the CD as well.These were created using MicrosoftAccess 2007.However, as some of you maybe using an older version of Access, I went aheadand saved the database files incompatability mode.However, all of the screenshots in thebook that reference these database files were shot using Access 2007

《PowerShell脚本编写手册(Windows PowerShell Scripting Guide)_Ed Wilson著》目录

1The Shell in Windows Power Shell.

2Scripting Windows Power Shell.

3Managing Logs.

4Managing Services.

5Managing Shares.

6Managing Printing.

7Desktop Maintenance.


9Configuring Desktop Settings.

10Managing Post-Deployment Issues

11Managing UserData.

12Troubleshooting Windows.

13Managing Domain Users.

14Configuring the Cluster Service.

Managing Internet Information Services

16Working with the Certificate Store.

17Managing the Terminal Services Service.

18Configuring Network Services.

Working with Windows Server 2008 Server Core.

ACmd let Naming Conventions.

BActiveX DataObject Provider Names.


DScripting Guidelines.

EGeneral Troubleshooting Tips.

The Shell in Windows Power Shell.

Installing Windows Power Shell.

Interacting with the Shell.

Introducing Cmd lets.

Configuring Windows Power Shell.

Security issues with Windows Power Shell.,

Supplying Options for Cmd lets.

Working with Get-Help.

Verifying Installation with VBScript.

Deploying Windows Power Shell.

Creating a Windows Power Shell Profile.

Configuring Windows Power Shell Startup Options.

Controlling the Execution of Cmd lets.

Confirming Commands.

Suspending Confirmation of Cmd lets.

Using the Get-Child Item Cmd let.

Formatting Output

Using the Get-Command Cmd let.

Adding Parameters to For Each-Object.

Using the Begin Parameter

Using the Process Parameter.

Using the End Parameter.

Using ff.Elseif.Else.

Using Switch.

Exporting to Text.

Export to XML.

Examining Multiple Logs.

Retrieving a Single EventLog Entry.

Filtering on Properties

Selecting the Source.

Selecting the Severity.

Selecting the Message.

Working wih Aliases to Assign Shortcut Names to Cmd lets.

Additional Uses of Cmd lets.

Exploring with the Get-Member Cmd let.


Why Use Scripting?.

Configuring the Scripting Policy.

Running Windows Power Shell Scripts.

Use of Variables.

Use of Constants.

Using FlowControl Statements

Using the For Statement.

Using Decision-Making Statements.

Working wit




