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《Professional ASPNET Design Patterns_Scott Millett著 》pdf电子书免费下载






Professional ASPNET Design Patterns_Scott Millett著




《Professional ASPNET Design Patterns_Scott Millett著》介绍

No part of this publication maybe reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any farm or by any means.of the 1976 United States Copy rig hr Act, with our either the prior written permission of the Puhl is her, or authorizationMA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax(978) 646-8600.Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the748-6008,oranlineathttp://w-wiloy.com/go/pernissions.Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty:The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties withre pest io the ac uayorcwnleneaotheciiensu fts work and speiaydicimalwarmte, in dui g wib.out limit atio a warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.No warranty maybe created or extended by sales or promo-f on lmt nas The a dee and sanger coat in sdhtlmynotbeuabeiurerya una.Tuswoeksandwrthe understanding that the publisher is nor engaged in rendering legal.accounting.or other professional services.If profes-the author shall be liable for damages arising here from.The fact that an organization or Website is referred to in this worksatan on and rapoetaloifeeoutherimtou aond best ot meant har the author ar the publ she ren do sheinformation the organization or Website may pra video r recommendations it may make.Further, readers should be awarethat in er nec Websites ls ted in ths work may have changed ords appeared ber ween when ths work was wi ten and whenit is read.

For general information on our other products and services please contact our CustomerCare Department within theUnted sites Mt 87717622974.tu aide the Unted St tesar 317372-3995or1ax 175724001.Wiley a lsu publishes its hooks in a variety of electronic formats.Some content that appears in print may not be availablein electronic bao ks.

ABOUT THE AUTHORSCOTT MILLETT is an enterprise software architect working in London for Wiggle.co.uk, an e-commercecompany specializing in cycle and triathlete sports.He has been working with.NET since version 1.0and was awarded the ASPNET MVP in 2010.He is the co-author of Wrox'Professional Enterpr se.NET, and when not writing about or working with.NE The can be found relaxing and enjoying themusic at Glastonbury and all of the major music festivals in the UK during the summer.If you wouldlike to talk to Scott about the book, anything.NET, or the British music festival scene, feel free to writeto him at scott del bandit.co.uk, or by giving him at we etl Scott Nil lett.

I WOULD LIKE TO THANK Brian Herrmann, Paul Reese, and all those at Wrox who have helped to cre-ate this book.I would also like to thank Joe Fawcett who did a sterling job as the technical editor.Massive thanks to I mar Spa anja ars(http://inar.apaanjaars.com/Jforgivinguphispersonaltimeto review chapters and give me some great feedback.I would also like to take the opportunity to thank a couple of people that I have learned a great dealfrom over the last couple of years.I attended JP Bood hoos[http://blog-jpbaodhoo.com/J.NETbootcamp in the summer of 2009 and it was probably one of the most inspirational weeks I haveever had, and it reminded me why H love the job I do.Thanks, JP.When MVC irst came along, a fellow named Rob Con ery{http://blog.wekeroad.com/) started ablogging series on creating an MVC store.He explored many great technologies and methodologiesduring the store's construction, including BDD, TDD, DDD, KanBan, and Continuous Integrationto name but a few.I learned more than l could have possibly imagined, in no small part due to thedown-to-earth, fun manner in which Rob presented the content.lf this book is half as good as thosevideos, I will be avery happy man.Rob now has a company dedicated to providing great videoresourcesfordevelopersatuww.tekpub.com/.Irswellworthalook—topbanana

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