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Python袖珍参考手册(Python Pocket Reference)_Mark Lutz pdf电子书免费下载,百度云
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《Python袖珍参考手册(Python Pocket Reference)_Mark Lutz》pdf电子书免费下载






Python袖珍参考手册(Python Pocket Reference)_Mark Lutz




《Python袖珍参考手册(Python Pocket Reference)_Mark Lutz》介绍

IntroductionPython is a general-purpose, object-oriented, and opensourcecomputer programming language.It is commonly used forboth standalone programs and ser png applications in a widevariety of domains, by hundreds of thousands of developersPython is designed to optimize developer productivity, soft-war equality, program portability, and component integration.Python programs run on most plat for ns in common use, in-cluding mainframes and supercomputers, Unix and Linux,Wid uws and Mai tosh, Ja vs and, NET, and more.This pocket reference summarizes Python types and state-ments, special rn ethod names, built-in functions and excep-tions, com motil y used standard library modules, and otherprominent Python tools.It is intended to serve as a concisereference t aol for developers and is designed to be a companionto other books that provide tut on als.code examples, and otherlearning materials

This fourth edtion covers both Python versions 3.0 and 26,and l are r releases in the 3.X and 2.X lines.This edition is fo-c used primarily on Python 3.0, but also documents differencesin Python 2.6, and so applies to both versions.It has beenthoroughly updated for recent language and library changesand expanded for new language tools and to pies.This edition also incorporates notes about prominent enhance-ments in the imminent Python 3.1 release, which is intendedto subsume Python 3.0(in this book, Python 3.0 generally re-fers to the language va nations introduced by 3.0bur presentin the entire 3.X line) .Much of this edition applies to earlierPython releases as well, with the exe ep tion of recent languageextensions.

《Python袖珍参考手册(Python Pocket Reference)_Mark Lutz》目录

Syntax Rules

Name Rules

Specifc Statements

The Assignment Statement

The Expressin Statement

The print Statement

The if Statement

The while Statement

The fr Statement

The pass Statement

The break Statement

The cntinue Statement

The del Statement

The def Statement

The return Statement

They le ld Statement

The glbal Statement

The nnlcal Statement

The imprt 5 tatement

The frm Statement

The dass Statement

The try Statement

The raise Statement

The assert Statement

The with Statement

Pythn 2.X Statements

Namespace and Scpe Rules

w|Tabe f Cent ns

Qual fied Names:bject Namespaces

Unqualified Names:Lexical Stpes

Static aly Nested Scpes

bject- rented Prgram mig

Classes and Instances

Pseud private Atti but es

New Style Classes

peratr verlad ng Methds

Fr All Types

Fr Cll ecns(Sequences, Mappings)

Fr Numbers(Binary pera t s)

Fr Numbers(ther peratins)

Fr Descriptrs

Fr Cntext Managers

Pythn 2.X0peratrveading Methds

Built-in Functins

Pythn 2.X Built-in Functins

Built-in Exceptins




