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Silverlight and ASPNET Revealed



《Silverlight and ASPNET Revealed》介绍

every other week-if only you had the time.They cover the concepts andtechniques that will keep you ahead of the technology curve.A press's first Press books are real books, inNSs sf ter PeN ANd dtddewibabrneswthnoroug hedges even went he teh n lobSilver light and ASP.NET RevealedDear Reader,Silver light 1.lisa revolutionary browser plug-in that allows developers to create rich webpages.LikeAdobe Flash, Silver light supports event handling.two-dimensional drawing, video playback, and an iapaonscanexecuepuece code.miemdfekigpasivenghtsts-plfmsupprtWhenSveiht.tsr les edwill support a range of modern web browsers(such as InternetExplorer, Firefox, Opera, and Safari) ,and it will run on a variety of operating systems(including Windows, MacOSX.and Linux j.Essential lSilver light 1.1willbea scaled-down, browser-hosted version of.NETany new Microsoft technology since.NET 1.0.Siler light and ASPNET Revealed provides a valuable prht is tal red TO.NET deveopesMosptesieysrlhti.tAlthough Silver light 11isstll along way from release, it's already generating more interest than

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About the AuthorMATTHEW MACDONALD is an author, educator, and MCSD developer who has a passion for emergingtechnologies.He is a regular writer for developer jou mals such as Inside VisualBasic, ASP Today, andHardcore VisualStudio.NET, and he's the author of several books about programming with.NET,including User Interfaces in VB.NET.Windows Fom ms and Custom Controls, The Book of VB.NET, and.NET Distributed Applications.In a dimly remembered past life, he studied English literature and the o-retical physics.Send e-mailto him with praise, condemnation, and everything in between.topzpeprosetech.com.

Silver light and ASP.NET Revealedthings that web applications just can't do, or can't do very well.Even if you a utf it your ASP.NET webpages with the latest cutting edge Java Scrip.you won't be able to duplicate many of the capabilitiesthat desktop applications take for granted, such as animation, sound and video playback, and 3Dgraphics.And although you can use JavaScript to respond on the client to fac us changes, mousemovements, and other real-time T events, you stil can't build a complex interface thats anywherenear as responsive as a window in a rich client application.(The saving gs ace of web prog i am mingis that you usuall don't need these rls, The benefits you gain—broad compatiblity, high security,no deployment cost, and a scalable server-side model-outweigh the loss of a few niceties.]uncommon to watch an animated commercial or playa simple but richly designed game directly inyour browser, This capability obviously is n't apart of the ordinary HTML.CSS, and JavaScript standards.Instead, it's enabled by a browser piug in, sometimes for a Java apple r, but most commonlyfor Flash content.

create interactive content that runs on the client, with support for dynamicgraphics, media, andanimation that goes far beyond ordinary HTML.Also like Flash, Silver light is deployed using a lightweight browser plugin and supports a wide range of different browsers and operating systemsAt the moment, Flash has the edge over Silver light, because of its widespread adoption and itsmaturity.However, Silver light hoa sts a few architectural features that Flash can't match-mostimportantly, the fact that it's based on a scaled-down version of.NET's common language runtime{CLR) and thus allows developers to write client-side code using pure Ce.ports, and what features are n't quite there yet.You l also consider how you can use Silver light tosupplement ASPNET we h sites, or even integrate Silver light content into existing ASP.NET webpagesThat said, developers are continuously pushing the limits of the Web.These days.it's notMicrosoft's new Silver light is a direct competitor to Flash.Like Flash, Silver light allows you toComing up.you'l take a detailed tour of Silver light.You Tl learn how it works, what features its upUnderstanding Silver lightSilver light uses a familiar technique to go beyond the capabilities of standard webpages-it uses alightweight browser plug-in.seecontentcreatedbyarangeofdifferentpeopleandcompanies:Installingtheplug-inrequiresasmall download and forces the user to confirm the operation in atleast one security dialogbox[andusually morel.It takes a short but definite amount of time, and irs an inconvenience.However, oncethe plug-in is installed, the browser can process any content that uses the plug-in seamlessly, withno further prompting.don't have the Stl ver light plug-in installed.At this point, you can click the Get Microsoft Silver light pictureThe advantage of the plug-in model is that the user needs to install just a single component toFigure l shows two views of a page with Silver light content On the left is the page you'i see if youSILVER LIGHT AND ASP.NET REVEALEDto be taken to Microsofts website, where youll be prompted to install the plugin and then sent back tothe original page.On the r ght is the page you'll see once the Silver light plug-in is installed.Note Siver ght is designed to overcome the li it a tons of ordinary HTML to all w developers to create moregraphical and interact e application 5.However, Silver light is n't away for deva lopers to breakout of the browserssecurity sandbox.For them cst part, Silve right applications are mitedinequvalentwaystocr dinary webpages.For example, a Siver lg ht applicaton is allowed to create and access files, but only those files that a restored in aspecial walled-off isolated storage area.Conceptually, isolated storageworks lke the cookies in an ordinary webpage.Fles are separated by web sie and the current user, and size is severely imited.Figure 1.Insta i lng the Silver light plug-inSilver light vs.FlashThe most successful browser plug-in is Adobe Flash, which is installed on over 90 percent of theworld's web browsers.Flash has along history that spans more than ten years, beginning as astraightforward tool for adding animated graphics and gradually evolving into a platform for devel-oping interactive content.

Siverihtalmstogve.NET developers a better option for creating rich web content Silve rightThe Silver light plug-in has an impressive list of features, some of which are shared in common·Widespread browser support If's too early to tell how well the Silver light browser works ondifferent platforms.Currently, the beta builds of Siver light 11 work on Windows Vista andWindowsXP lin the PCuniverse) and OSX 10.4.8or later(in the Macworld j.The minimumbrowser versions that Silver light L 1 supports are Inte met Explorer 6, Firefox, andSafari 2.0.4.Although Silver light 11doesn't currently work on Linux, the Mono team is creat-ingan open-source Linux implementation of Si iver light L 0 and Silver light 1.1.This project isknown as Moonlight, and it's being developed with key support from Microsoft.To learnmore,visithttp://saes,nono-project.com/Hoonlight.·Light we lg ht:In order to encourage adoption, Silver light is installed with a small-size setup(about 4MB) that's easy to download.That allows it to provide an all-important*friction-less setup experience, much ike Flash i but quite different from Java l.·2D Drawing Silver light provides a rich model for 2D drawing.Best of all the content youdraw is defined as shapes and paths, so you can manipulate this content on the clientside.You can event es pond to events(lke a mouseclick on a portion of a graphic, which makesit easy to add interactivity to anything you draw.happen and how long it should take.The Silver light plug-in handles the sticky details, likeinterpolating intermediary values and calculating the framerate.·Media:Silver light provides playback of WindowsMedia Audio(WMAl, WindowsMediaVideo[WMV 7-9/, MP 3 audio, and VC-1[which supports high-definition) .You are n't tied tothe Windows MediaPlayer ActiveX control or browser plug-in instead, you can create anyfront-end you want, and you can even show video in full-screen mode.Microsoft also pro-vides a free companion hosting service(athttp://silverlight.live.comthatgivesyou4GB of space to store media files.

.The CLR:Most impressively,Silverlightincludesascaled-downversionoftheCLR.com-plete with an essential set of core classes, a garbage collector, aJIT i just-in-time l compiler,support for generics, and soon.In many cases, developers can take code written for the fullNET CLR and use it in a Silver light application with only moderate changes.·Webservice interaction Silver light applications can call old-style ASP.NET webservicesCas mxl or WCF(Windows Communication Foundation) webservices.They can also sendmanually created XML requests over HTTP.Of course, its just as important to note what Silver light doesnt include.Silver light is a new tech-At present Silver tight is primarily of interest to developers who plan to create a highly graph l-At present, Silver light is only on a fraction of computers.However, Microsoft is convinced thatA keypoint to keep in mind when considering the Silver light development model is that in mostAlthough, is easily possile to create a Silver lg ht only web it, it sun key that you'I take that·The frst version, Siver light 1.0.is a relati waly modest technology.tindudesthe20drawng features and theWPF is a recently introduced, next generation technology for creating Windows applicationsprovides a browser plug-in with many similar features to Flash, but one that's designed from theground up for.NET.Silver light natively supports the C#language and uses a range of NETconceptsAs a result, developers can write client-side code for Silver light in the same language they use forserver-side code(such asC#and VB) , and use many of the same abstractions(including streams,controls, collections.generics, and LINQ I.with Flash, and some which are entirely new and even revolutionary.They include the following:.Animation:Silverlighthasatime-basedanimationmodelthatletsyoudefinewhatshouldnology that's evolving rapidly, and it's full of stumbling blocks for business developers who are usedto relying on a rich library of prebuilt functionality.Not only does Silver light lack any sort of databinding features, it also includes relatively few ready-made controls.Some basics, like buttons, arerelatively easy to build yourself.But others, lke textboxes, are not.cal.complete customized userinterface, and who arent afraid to perform a fair bit of work.腰SILVER LIGHT AND ASP.NET REVEALEDSilver light AdoptionSilver light is per y new so new that at the time of this writing it exists in two versions (1.0 and 1.1) ,bath of which area nly available in beta form.For that reason, it's difficult to predict how well Silveright will stack up against Fash's real strength:adoption:if compel ing content exists for Silver ght users will download the plugin.There area number offactors that support this argument.Flash grew dramatically in a short space of time, and Microsofthas ab vious experience with other web-based applications that have started small and eventuallygained wide adoption-Windows Messenger comes to mind, along with numerous ActiveX pluginsfor tasks ranging from multiuser coordination on MSNGames to Wind pws verification on MSDN.)cases you'll use Silver light to aug men r the existing content of your website f which is stll based onHTML, CSS, and Java Seri pt) .For example, you might add Silver light content that shows an advertise mentor allows an enhanced experience for a portion of a website(such as playing a game,cam pleting a survey, interacting with a product, taking a virtual tour, and soon) .Your Silver lightpages may present content that's already available in your website in a more engaging way, or theymay representa value-added feature for users who have the Silver light plugin.approach.The fact that Silver light is still relatively new, and the fact that it doesn't support legacyclients[most notably, it has no support for users of Windows ME Windows 2000, and Windows 98)mean it doesn't have nearly the same reach as ordinary HTML.Many businesses that are adoptingSilver light are using it to distinguish themselves from other online competitors with cutting edgecontent.

《Silverlight and ASPNET Revealed》目录



Abut the Authr.

Understand ig Silve right.

Silver light vs.Flash.

Silver light Adptin.

Silver light and WPF.

n stang Siver iht and the Vi ual Studi Extensins.

The HTML Entry Page.

The Silver light In i a zatin Script

The XAML Page.

Understand ig XAML.

Silver light Elements.

XAML Namespaces.

The XAML Cde-Behind.

Prperties and Events.

Silver light Cmpilatin.

.NET Framewrk Classes in Sile right.

The Canvas.

Psin in gEl ments in a Canvas.

Layering Elements in a Canvas.

Dragging Circles.


n traci g with HTML.

IsD lated Strage.

ASP.NET Futures.

The Xaml Cntrl.

The Media Cntrl.

Cmmunica ing Between Silver light and ASP.NET

Simple Shapes.

Rectangle and Ellps e.




Paths and Ge metes.

Line, Rectangle, and Ellipse Gemetries

Cmbining Shapes with Gemetry Grup.

Curves and Lines with Path Gemetry:

Straight Lines.


Be z ler Curves.


Gradient Brushes.

Us ng Brushes t F Text


Animatin Basics.

Defining an Animatin




