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《UM2609 User manual—STM32CubeIDE user guide》pdf电子书免费下载






UM2609 User manual—STM32CubeIDE user guide




《UM2609 User manual—STM32CubeIDE user guide》介绍

ST M32CubelDE supports STM 32 products based on the A mm*Cortex processor.Refer to STMicroelectronicsdocuments listed in Section 11 References for details.Arm is a registered trademark of Arm Limi fed(or its subsidiaries Jin the US and/or elsewhere.Product informationSTM32CubelDEisan advanced C/C++dev c lopment platform with peripheral configuration, code generation,code compilation, linking.and debug features, It is based on the Eclipse I CDT framework and GCC toolchain forthe development, and GDB for the do bugging.It allows the integration of the hundreds of ex is ling plugins thatcomplete the features of the Eclipse IDE.STM32CubelDE integrates ST MCU Finder(ST-MCU-FINDER-PC) and STM32CubeMX functionalities to offerall-in-one tool experience.It makes it easy to create newS TM32MCUor board projects and build them using theincluded GCC toolchain.STM32CubelDE includes a build analyzer and a static stack analyzer that provide the user with useful informationabout project status and memory requirements.STM32CubelDE also includes standard and advanced debugging features including views of CPU core registers,memories, and peripheral registers.as well as live variable watch, and serial wi reviewer interface.A faultanalyzer displays error information if an error is triggered by the STM 32 processor during a debug session.

STM32CubelDEis tested and verifed on the Microsoft Windows*, Linux*, and macOS opera ng systems.ANother trademarks are the property of the irrespective owners.ThelatestversionofSTM32CubelDEisavailableforfreedowloadfromthewww.st.com/stm32softwaretoolswebsite.The STM32CubelDE installation guide[ST-04] gives die ctions on howto install on supported versions ofWindows, Linux and macOS it is possible to have several versions of STM32CubelDE installed in parallel,Read the installation guide ifSTM32CubelDEis not already installed or if a new version must be installedInstalling updates and additional Eclipseplugins in this manual also provides information on howto installupdates.STM32CubelDEis delivered under the Mix Ulli male Liberty +OSS+3rdparlyV 1 software license agreement(SLA 0048)For more details about the license agreement of each component.refer to[ST-02] .There are several different support options provided by STMicroelectronics.For instance, the ST Community isoffering places to meet people with similar mind-set all over the world at anytime.Choose the support option byvisiting myst com/cont ont/myst com len/support/support-home.html,The basic concept using STM32CubelDE and Eclipse terminology is ou in ed in this sec ion.WorkspacesWhen starting STM32CubelDE, a workspace is selected.The workspace contains the development environmentto be used.Technically, the workspace is a drectory that may hold proj ccts.The user may access any projectwithin the active workspace,A project contains files, which maybe organized into sub-directories.Files existing somewhere else on thecomputer can also be linked to the project,A single computer may hold several workspaces at various locations in the filesystem.The user may switchbetween workspaces, but only one workspace can be active at a time.Switching workspace is a quick way ofswitching from one set of projects to another.In practice, the workspace and project model fac lita tea well structure dhl er archy of workspaces.containingprojects, which in tum contain files.Information centerThe first timeS TM32CubelDEis started and a workspace is selected, the Information Center is opened.The Information Center provides quick access to start a new project.read STM32CubelDE documentation, orget access loST support&community.The Informaion Center can be easily accessed at anytime via theInformation Center toolbar button or from the Help menu.Perspectives, menubar, toolbarWhen the Information Center is closed, STM32CubelDE displays a perspective, which contains a menubar,toolbar.views and editors.Each perspective is optimized for a special type of work.For instance, the C/C++perspec live is meant for creating.editing and building projects.The Debug perspective is intended to be usedwhen debugging cod con hardware,Each perspective can be customized according to the user's need.It is possible to reset the perspective at anytime if.for instance, too many views are opened or if the views are reordered.It is also possible to create newperspectives.Views and editorsA perspec ve normaly displays many views.Each view is developed to present specif informaton, which forinstance can be collected from the projector from an embedded system under debug,A perspective has one editor area.The editor can be used to edit project files.Many files can be edited in differenttabs in the editor.STM32CubelDE supports only 64-bit OS versions.For more details about supporTed versions of opera ig systems.refer to{ST-02.Note:macOS*is a trademark of Apple Inc.registered in the US.and other countries.1.1.2Downloading the latest STM32CubelDE version1.1.3Installing STM32CubelDEUM 209-Rav 2STUM26091.1.4License1.1.5Support1.2Using STM32CubelDE1.2.1Basic concept and terminologyUM2t 09-Rov?p*g4/208

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