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《vSphere PowerCLI 用户指南》pdf电子书免费下载






vSphere PowerCLI 用户指南




《vSphere PowerCLI 用户指南》介绍

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The VMowrcPoucerCLI User's Guide provides informaion about install ng and using the VMware Power CLIcmd lets(pronounced command lets~) for managing, monitoring automating, and handling lifecycleoperations for VMware vSphere, VMware Site Recovery Manager, vSphere Auto mai on SDKv Cloud Director, v Cloud Air, vSphere Update Manager, v Realize Operations Manager, andVMware Horizon components.To help you start with Power CLI, this documentation in chu desde seri ptions of specifc Power CLI conceptsand features.In addition, this documentation provides a set of usage examples and sample scripts.This book is intended for anyone who needs to install and use Power CLI.This documentaion is writen foradministrators and developers who are familiar with virtual machine technology and Windows Power ShellBasic administrators can use cmd lets included in Power CLI to manage their vSphere,VMware Site Recovery Manager, vSphere Automation SDK, v Cloud Director, v Cloud Air,vSphere Update Manager, v Realize Operations Manager, and VMware Horizon infrastructure from thecommand I in e.Advanced administrators can develop Power Shell scripts that can be reused by other administrators orintegrated into other applications.

VMware Power CLI contains modules of cmd lets based on Microsoft Power Shell for automating vSphere,VMware Site Recovery Manager, vSphere Automation SDK, v Cloud Director, v Cloud Air,vSphere Update Manager, v Realize Operations Manager, and VMware Horizon administration.VMware Power CLI provides a Power Shell interface to the VMware product APIsA pipeline is a series of commands separated by the pipe operator lEach command in the pipeline receives an object from the previous command, performs some operation onit and then passes it to the next command in the pipeline.Objects are output from the pipeline as soon asthey become available.Power Shell has a number of pattern-matching operators named wildcards that you can use to substitute oneor more characters in a string, or substitute the complete string.All wildcard expressions can be used with the Power CLIc md lets.For example, you can view a list of all fileswith a.txt extension by running dir*.txt In this case, the asterisk*operator matches any combination ofcharacters.With wildcard pat tems you can indicate character ranges as well.For example, to view all fles that startwith the letter SorT and have a.txt extension, you can run dir[st] *.txt.You can use the questionmark?wildcard to match any single character within a sequence of characters.Forexample, to view all.txt files with names that consist of string and one more character at the end, run dirstring 7.txt.The Wn dows Power Shel engine retains a set of parame ler names, referred to as common parameter.AllPower Shell cmd lets, including the Power CLIc md lets, support them.Some of the Power Shell common parameters are Verbose, Debug, Error Action, Error Var table, Out Vario ble,and Out Buffer.For a full list of the common parameters and more details on their usage, run Get-HeLpob out_Cor mon Poron eters.Power Shell offers two risk m tigation parameters:Mh at If and Conf imMh at IfDisplays the effects of a command without running itPower CLl emd lets are created to automate VMware environments administration and to introduce somespecific features in addition to the Power Shell concepts.

《vSphere PowerCLI 用户指南》目录

VMware Pwer CLl Users Guide

VMware Pwer CLI User's Guide 9

1 Intrductin t VMware Pwer CLI 11

2 Installing VMware Pwer CLI 21

3 Cnfiguring VMware Pwer CLI 25

Micrsft Pwer Shell Basics 11

Pwer Shell Cmmand-Line Syntax 11

Pwer Shell Pipelines 12

Pwer Shell Wildcards 12

Pwer Shell Cmmn Parameters 12

Pwer CLI Cncepts 12

Pwer CLI Cmpnents 13

Interperability Between the Pwer CLI and v Clud Directr Pwer CLI Cmpnents 14

Selecting bjects in Pwer CLI 16

Prviding Lgin Credentials 17

Running Pwer CLIC md lets Asynchrnusly 17

Managing Default Server Cnnectins 18

Custmizatin Specificatin bjects in Pwer CLI 18

Using ESX CLI with Pwer CLI 18

Pwer CLI Inventry Prvider 18

Pwer CLI Datastre Prvider 19

Pwer CLI Abut Articles 19

Supprted perating Systems 22

Supprted VMware Prducts 22

Supprted Windws Pwer 5hell Versins 22

Prerequisites fr Installing and Running Pwer CLI 22

Install Pwer CLI 22

Set the Prperties t Supprt Remte Signing 23

Uninstall Pwer CLI 23

Scped Settings f Pwer CLI 25

Cnfiguring the Scpe f the Pwer CLI Settings 25

Pririty f Settings Scpes in Pwer CLI 26

Pwer CLI Cnfiguratin Files 26

Lading theSe rip tCn i gura n File f Pwer CLI 27

Lad the Script Cnfigura in File in ther Pwer Shell Tls 27

Custmizing Pwer CLIwith5criptCnf guratin Files 28

Using Custm Seri pts t Extend the peratingSystem Supprt fr Pwer CLIC md lets 28

Categries f Infrmatin That VMware Receives 29

Jin the Custmer Experience Imprvement Prgram in Pwer CLI 29

Cnnect t av Center Server System 34

Manage Virtual Machines n v Sphere 35

Add a Standalne Hst t av Center Server System 35

Set the License Key fr aH stny Center Server 36

Activate Maintenance Mde fr a Hst n v Center Server . 36

Create v Sphere Inventry bjects 37

Create Virtual Machines n v Center Server Using an XML Specificatin File 37

Manage Virtual Machine Template sny Center Server 38

Create and Use Snapshts n v Center Server 39

Update the Resurce Can figuratin Settings f a Virtual Machine n v Center Server 39

Get a List f Hsts n av Center Server System and View Their Prperties 40

Change the Hst Advanced Cnf guratinS ettngsnvCenterServer4D

Mve a Virtual Machine t a Different Hst Using VMware v Sphere v Mtin 41

Mve a Virtual Machine t a Different Datastre Using VMware v Sphere Strage v Mtin 41

Create a Hst Prf lena v Center Server System 41

Apply a Hst Prf le t a Hst n v Center Server 42

Manage Statistics and Statistics Intervals n v Center Server 42

Mdify the Settings f the NIC Teaming Plicy fr a Virtual Switch 43

Create av App n v Center Server 43

Mdify the Prperties f av App 43

Exprt r Imprt v Apps 44

Create an iS CSl Hst Strage 44

Add Passthrugh Devices t a Hst and Virtual Machine 45

Create a Custm Prperty Based n an Extensin Data Prperty 45

Create a Script-Based Custm Prperty fr av Sphere bject 45

Apply a Custmizatin bject t a Clned Virtual Machine 46

Mdify the Default NIC Mapping bject f a Custmizatin Specif catin 46

Mdify Multiple NIC Mapping bjects f a Custmizatin Specif catin 47

Create Multiple Virtual Machines that Use Static IP Addresses 47

Create Multiple Virtual Machines with Tw Netwrk Adapters 48

Create av Sphere Rle and Assign Permissins t a User 50

View the Actin Triggers furan Alarm n v Center Server 5D

Create and Mdify Alarm Actins and Alarm Triggers n v Center Server 51

Remve Alarm Actins and Triggers 51

Create and Mdify Advanced Settings fr a Cluster 52

Mdify the v Center Server Email Cni guratin 52

Mdify the v Center Server SNMP Cnfiguratin 53

Use Esx tp t Get Infrmain n the Virtual CPUs f a Virtual Machine 53

Filter v Sphere bjects with Get-View 54

Ppulate a View bject with Get-View 54

Update the State f a Server-Side bject 54

Rebt a Hst with Get-View 55

Mdify the CPU Levels f a Virtual Machine with Get-View and Get-VI bject By VI View 55

Brwse the Default inventry Drive 56

4 Cnfiguring Custmer Experience Imprvement Prgram 29

5 Sample Scripts fr Managing v Sphere with VMware Pwer CLI 31

Create a New Custm Inventry Drive 56

Manage Inventry bjects Thrugh Inventry Drives 57

Brwse the Default Datastre Drives 57

Create a New Custm Datastre Drive 58

Manage Data stres Thrugh Datastre Drives 58

Mdify the Timeut Setting fr Web Tasks 59

Using Tags 60

Retrieve a Tag and Save It int a Variable 6D

Retrieve a Tag Categry and Save It int a Van able 60

Create a Tag Categry and a Tag 60

Assign a Tag t Virtual Machines 61

Retrieve bjects by Tag 61

Generate Tags Autma ically by Using a Seri pt 61

Add an Entity Type t a Tag Categry 62

Retrieve Tag Assignments 62

Netwrk Management with v Sphere Distributed Switches 62

Create a Distributed Switch and Cnfigure Netwrking 62

Cnfigure a Distributed Switch 63

Migrate Virtual Machine Netwrking Cnfiguratin frm av Sphere Standard Switch t a

v Sphere Distributed Switch 63

Migrate Physical and Virtual NICs t av Sphere Standard Switch 64

Migrate Physical and Virtual NICs t av Sphere Distributed Switch 64

Cnfigure the Traffic Shaping Plicy 65

Cnfigure the Security Plicy 65

Create a Virtual Machine frm a Cntent Library Item 66

Create av App frm a Cntent Library Item 66

VMware Pwer CLI 67

Create a Tag-Based Strage Plicy 67

Create a Capability-Based Strage Plicy 6B

Assciate a Strage Plicy with a Virtual Machine and Its HardDisk 68

Disassciate a Strage Plicy Assciated with a Virtual Machine and Its HardDisk 69

EnableS PB Mna Cluster and Verify that It Is Enabled 69

Remve a Strage Plicy 70

Edit a Strage Plicy 70

Exprt and Imprt a Strage Plicy 7I

Create a Virtual Machine in a Datastre Cmpatible with Strage Plicy 71

Create a Virtual SAN Datastre 72

Mdify a Virtual SAN Datastre 73

Create a Virtual SAN Stretched Cluster 74

Create an NFS 4.1 Datastre 75

Add a VASA Prvider and Create a Plicy 76

Invke a Planned Failver n a Replicatin Grup and Reverse the Replicatin 76

Attach a Flat V Disk t a Virtual Machine 78

VMware Pwer CLI 79

Cnnect t an SRM Server 79

Prtect a Virtual Machine 8

Create a Reprt f the Prtected Virtual Machines 80

Create a Reprt f the Virtual Machines Assciated with All Pru tectin Grups 81

VMware Pwer CLl 83

Create a Lcal Cntent Library n an Existing Datastre 83

Cnnect t av Clud Directr Server 86

Create and Manage rganizatins 86

Create and Manage rganizatin Virtual DataCenters 87

Filter and Retrieve rganizatin Virtual DataCenter Netwrks 88

Imprt av App Template frm the Lcal Strage 88

Create av App Template frm av App 88

Imprt av App frm v Sphere 89

Create and Mdity av App 89

Manage Virtual Machines with v Apps 90

Manage Virtual Machines and Their Guest perating Systems 90

Retrieve a List f the Internal and External lP Addresses f Virtual Machines in v Apps 91

Create and Manage AccessCntrl Rules 92

Filter and Retrieve v App Netwrks 92

Create v App Netwrks fr a Selected v ApP 93

Create an Islated v App Netwrk 93

Create anN AT Rute dv App Netwrk 93

Create a Directv App Netwrk 94

Mdify r Remve v App Netwrks 94

Cnnect t av Clud Air Server 97

Retrieve v Apps frm a DataCenter 98

Retrieve v Apps frm a Cmpute Instance 98

Running v Clud Directr Scripts Against v Clud Air 98

VMware Pwer CLI 101

Cnnect t av Center Server System 101




