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Di mac'sw3J Mail is being used by 400.000+programmers worldwide.w3JMailisbasedonCOM technology and can therefore be called frommost modern programming languages, though it has most of its usersin the ASP platform.
We are proud to present the latest version of w3J Mail, which now features sending e-mails, receiving e-mails, encryption and mass mailingwith mailmerge.We believe we have made the beste-mail componenteven better.We have taken all the input you have given us{and that'salot!) and most of it has been implemented in this new version, in factwe added some more stuff we thought was really cool.What can you do with w3J Mail?Alot we say!The first thing you wantto do is to add some outgoing e-mail not fications from your webpages,then move on to creating your own hotmail version using the brandnewPOP3featureinw3J Mail.Securing youre-mails with PGP is a naturalstep into a safer communication and with the mailmerge function of w 3J Mail you will be able to send newsletters to your customers withoutinvesting inexpensive listservers, All in all w3JMailwll give you newpossibilities to create web applications which will rock!Now, run the installation{which you probably already have done) andget acquainted with the world's most popular e-mail component!
To useD imac'sw3J Mail you must have the j mail dll registered at your webserver.This is done by either running the installation program or by copyingthe j mail.dll file to your webserver and manually registering it with the com-mandregsvr32j mail.dll.Any previous installations of w3J Mail must first beremoved, as described below.To run the installation you must have admin i-strat or permissions on the webserver.Doubleclick the w3J Mail 4.exe file to run the installation program.The instal-lation will by default install atC: ProgramFiles Dimaciw3J Mail 4 togetherwith this manual and some example files.More example files a reviewed atourwebsiteathttp://www.dimac.net(seeProducts/w3JMail).Theinstalla-tion will register the j mail.dll file as a COM object.UninstallUninstall is available in the Add/Remove Programs in your set ngs folderYou can also do this manually by unregistering the j mail.dll component(typereg svr 32/Uj maid ll) and deleting the files.
The SMTP service has a directory where it polls for e-mails.It is called MSPickupdirectoryanditisbydefaultcreatedasC:lnetpubimailroot Pickup.1.TheM SSMTP service must be installed on the machine where w3J Mailis to be used(or on a remote machine where w3J Mail can access its pickupdirectory) .Other SMTP servers can be used as well, if they support maildelivery through a pickup directory.2.The queueing function is dependant of w3J Mail being able to accessto mailservers'pickup directory(oftenlocatedinc:linetpub mailroot pickup,depending on your installation) .Therefore, the filesystem permissions some-times have to be adjusted to allow the lIS guest account(I USR) to access it.3.Unless you are running MSWindows 2000or later, you need to specifythe location for w3J Mailto find the pickup directory.You can do this eitherat runtime, like this:Message.Ms pickup directory- c: inetpub mai1root pickup or if you are using mailmerge:MailMerge.Bu1kMerge(my Rs, true, c: inetpub mai1root pickup )You can also do it in your webserver's registry once and for all Read moreabout this in the chapter JM all registry settings.4.For some installations, you wil need to set read/write permissions for theEVERYONE user in the pickup directory.