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Abut this GuideThis guide prvides instructins and techniques fr Australian gvemment agencies tharden the security f iS 5 devices.Implementing the techniques and settings fund in this dcument can affect systemfunctinality, and may nt be apprpriate fr every user r envirnment.Hwever agencies wishing t differ frm the mandatry cntrls specified in this guide mustnte that the prduct will n lnger fall under the evaluated cnfiguratin.In these casesagencies shuld seek apprval fr nn-cmpliance frm their agency head and/raccreditatin authrity t allw fr the frmal acceptance f the risks invlvediS Evaluatin
As per the Evaluated Prduct List, the Defence Signals Directrate(DSD) has fund AppleiS data prtectin classes A and B t be suitable fr dwngrading the handling fPRTECTED infrmatin t that f Unclassified.This dcument prvides guidance n plicythat either must been frced r is at the agency's discretin.iS and the Australian Gvernment Infrmatin Security ManualThis guide reflects plicy specified in theISM, Nt all IS M requirements can currently beimplemented n iS 5 devices.In these cases, risk mitigatin measures are prvided(seeAppendix E) .Chapter Six prvides recmmended passcde settings fr iS devices, This advice hasbeen develped based n an assessment f security risks related specifically t iS 5, andtakes precedence ver the nn-platfrm specific advice in theISM.Abut the Defence Signals DirectrateAs the Cmmnwealth authr ty n the security f infrmatn, the Defence SignalsDirectrate prvides guidance and ther assistance t Australian federal and state agenciesn matters relating t the security and integrity f infrmatin,Fr mre infrmatin, gt www.dsd.gv.au.1|Def ance Signals Directrate
AudienceThis guide is fr users and administratrs f iS5r later devices.These devicesinclude the iPd Tuch, iPhne and i Pad.T use this guide, readers shuld beParts f this guide refer t features that require the engagement f the technicalresurces f agency telecmmunicatins carriers, firewall vendrs, r Mbile DeviceManagement(MDM) vendrs.While every effrt has been made t ensure cntentinvlving these thirdparty prducts is crrect at the time f writing.agencies shuldalways check with these vendrs when planning an implementatin.Additinally, mentin f thirdparty prducts is nt a specific endrsement f thatvendr ver anther; they are mentined as llu strative examples nlySme instruc ins in this guide are cmplex, and if implemented incrrectly culdcause serius effects t the device, the netwrk and the agency's security psture.These instructins shuld nly be used by experienced administratrs, and shuldbe used in cnjunctin with thrugh testingFinally, fr further clarificatin r assistance, Australian Gvernment IT SecurityAdvisrs can cnsult the Defence Signals Directrate by emailingdsd.assist@defence.gv.aurcalling the DSD Cyber Ht in e n 1300 CYBER 1(1300292371).