作者:唐迟 页数:230 出版社:华东理工大学出版社 |
学习长难句势在必行第一章各位同平开始复习,考英语考试时,首先做的事情可能就是单河,而,着闻汇迹渐增大,有的同学快会发现一个问题,那就然一句话里几乎沒有不认识的单谛,可自己然看不懂这电话:又出把可中每个单词的中文意肥都串联在一起,却仍然不知斤云。认识单词井不等再于能看懂句子,光其是长难,这大多数学撒政高防考资】中,长开不少,聚更考资源大难,此的学习价一、考研英语长难句的特点既然长难句的学习势在必行,我们就先来了解一下考研英语中考研英语中的文章一般来源于英文报刊、著作等,其中原本就考研英语一的翻译题平均每句话包含35一45个单词,而在阅读①We are even farther removed from the unfocused newspaper的长难句有什么特点,以及考生在什么阶段复习长难句比较好。有不少长难句,尽管为了适应中国学生的测试水平,命题人会稍做制减,修改,但大多数仍保留了原文表达。无论是在阅读理解、新题型还是在翻译中,都会出现长难句,其中阅達理解中的长难句居多。综合来看,考研英语中的长难句有如下两个特点。①长难句很长,或不太长却比较难理解中,句子的长度则有过之而无不及。通过统计2010年以来的考研真题我们发现,阅读文章的箱幅相对固定,每篇约有450词,平均由15句话组成。也就是说,平均每句话大概有30个单词。由于一篇文章中句子长度不一,有的句子会低于30个单词,而有的句子则会更长, 甚至超过50个单词。比如2010年英语一阅读Text 1第三段中的首句和尾句。r views publ shed nEng and between she tum.of the 20thcenpenpd资】the evc of World War II at a ie when ness print wasdin-tei pindliharscrmwasconieedanom am laB nepa b ical of源in which it appeared....⑤ So few authors have brains enough
Eva u at on美覆婴家完税美瑕更爹等研素源2000人考研学子备考QQ群:904569153【免费领取更多考研电子书】E vu at n吴覆蓓婴r完税筹.取研资源2000人考研学子备考QQ群:904569153【免费领取更多考研电子书】or literary gift enough to keep their own ead up in journalism, Newman wrote, “that I am tempted to define journalism'as'a termof contempt applied by writers who are not read to writers who are'. 首句有49个单词,尾句有43个单词。很多考生可能一看到这样的长难句就心生畏惧,更不用说沉下心来仔细分析句子的内容和逻辑了。如果句子读不懂,段落也读不懂,仅凭所谓的“技巧”来解题显然不切实际。不仅是英语一,英语二的情况同样如此。下面是2010年英语二阅读Text 4中的一句话。of crucial democratic values, in chu ding the principles that all citizenswho meet minimal qualifications of age and literacy are equallycompetent to serve on juries; that jurors should be sc lected randomlyfrom a representative cross section of the community, that no citizenshould be denied the right to serve on a jury on account of race,religion, sex, or national origin:that defendants are ent tled to tral bytheir pc ers; and that verdicts should represent the conscience of thecommunity and not just the letter of the law无论是前些年,还是近几年,考研阅读理解的趋势之一就是在我们先来看看1996年阅读Text 3中的一道真题。The growth of limited liability companies resulted in.[A] the separation of capital from manu gement[B] the part c ipation of shareholders in municipal businessMany Americans regard the jury system as a concret cc xpression上文是这篇阅读全文的第一句话,共98个单词,可谓庞然大物了,尽管这种极端情况很少,但一句话超过40个单词的情况在考研英语中却并不少见。除此之外,有的句子尽管掌不上很长,胆可能句子构复杂,】同样能造成理解难。比如2017年美通取动凉in conjunction with increasingly high expectations in a fast movingworld of en causes students to competely overlook the possibilty oftaking a gap yea这个句子只有32个单词,比起前面几个句子少很多,但在难度上却丝毫不逊色。主语wide xp read social pressure之后跟了一个长长的后置定语, 其中包括不定式结构to immediately goto college和介词结构in conjunction within crca singly high expectations in a fast-movingworld, 这些内容把主语和谓语动词causes及宾语students分隔开来宾语后又跟了一个不定式结构to completely overlook the possibility oftaking a gap year作宾语补足语, 其中又包含了一个介词结构of a kinga gap year作后置定语修饰i possibility-②长难句处必出题长难句上设题。很多时候,文章后的五道题目中有三道甚至四道部与这些句子直接相关。可以说,长难句处必出题。Today, widespread social pressure to immediately goto collegeICJ the emergence of caplalanwegwbelayses【无抚考资】ID] the owoeshipofcaptaltym and use取更多考研资洗
◆题干小析题干中The grow to fl ii ted liabilty companies(有限责任公司的I①The growhofthelmitedlabiity company and munici pacompanies原封不动恤出现在第二段首句, 的had import amconsequences表示“有重要的影响”, 那么按册常规思路, 这道题就变成了一直填空, 把important conse que nees直填荆发展) 是一个名词词组, result in意为“导致, 造成”, 那么横线处填导致的一种结果即可。我们来看一下原文。business had important consequences.②Such l argc, impersonalmanipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbersand impor ance of shareholders as a class, an element in nationallife representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land andthe duties of the landowners; and almost equally detached from therespon ible management of business.再来看2018年英语一阅读Text 3中的一道真题What i struc of the agreement bet wiel the NHS and Deep Mind?I AJIt caused confi is among ict hg intsICJItfllshorefthehtr'ep ecu tonsI DJ It put to teiteciinadhngeusstiaon题干问的是有关Ni和Deep Mind之间的协议, 哪一项是正确的1DAnyfair-minded assessment of the dangers of the deal四到文中定位题于, The growth of limited liability题于空格处即可,然面,A.B.C.D四个项都没有表站此,经过分析可知,本趟型日考生填在空格处的是这种重要影响具体是什么,我着往下读,我们会发现答案就在句中,这句话银长,一共有47个单词。只有读懂这个长雍句,才有可能做对这道题,否則就祺可能掉分透过现象看本质,本题书查就是考生读长司的淮】新谓的阅读技巧没有太大关系,而然道腰井个案检给想反它代表了前考研英计的命题趋势,为板性试,爽悦底旨在考查同学们的英文水平,而非让大家简单地选出A、B、CD。一味强调考试技巧恐怕是本末倒置,在唐叔看来,考研英语最重要的技巧就是读懂长难句,长难句的学习应是贯穿考研英语复习始终的重点。B] Emi edt opayducattnionopaifsih布题干小析下面来看原文。between Britain'National Health Service(NHS) and Deep Mind muststart by acknowledging that both sides mean well.2DeepMindison c of the lead ig artificial intelligence(Al) companies in the worldG/The polen tial of this work applied to healthcare is very great butit could also lead to further concentration of power in the lech giants.Dl is against that background that the inforation commissionerElizabeth Denham, has issued her damning verdict against the RoyalFree hospital trust under the NHS, MlchbandesojertsDeepnd资】the records of 1.6mlionpatintsin 2015瑕sbu源agreement whch to okfurtoolitieaccoumtot the patients rip hsh atheir expectations of pri acy